Lachlan's avatar@lachlanjc/notebook

A website for your Hack Club

Getting a subdomain

Any club leader can get access to a subdomain for their club or hackathon website. To register or update yours, go to, sign in with the email address on your application, & there’s a link to “add a subdomain.” A Hack Club staff member will approve your request shortly.

Fun fact: all of Hack Club’s DNS is open source on GitHub!

If you have issues, ping @msw on Slack.

Site examples

Adding a Hack Club banner

Hack Club banner

Hack Club has official banners for your club website to link to Hack Club. If you’re making a standard HTML site, here’s the code for adding a linked banner:

If you’re making a React site, we’ve got you covered with a custom component published on npm as @hackclub/banner. Here’s the docs:

My club site

While you might be inclined to make a website for marketing your club, I haven’t found that to be very useful. (You could put the link on posters or announcements, but the reality is that few people will visit it unless you do something super exciting.) Instead, I make my club website as a utility during club meetings for members, with links to everything they need.

I quickly discovered a few key things needed from my club site:

  • Quick links to Hack Club Workshops
  • Quick links to, Glitch, hackathon to register for, etc
  • A form for members to submit projects. I do demos at the end of every club meeting, & to avoid everyone dealing with A/V individually, I have everyone submit to me their project links on the site. It sends me an email, so I can then pull up the links on my laptop with the projector connected.
    • I use a free service called Formspree, but Basin is another free alternative.

State High Hack Club

I made my site using React/Gatsby & the Hack Club Design System. It’s entirely open source, if you’d like to remix it:


Here was the first version of the site (source code) & the second version (source code):

First site during summertime

Old version of site